A1 Sitemap Generator for Mac is a tool to create a sitemap for a website. It is free to download and use, and it adheres to Google's sitemap protocol. It can detect broken links that may interrupt the crawling process and can fix them quickly. It can be used to automatically notify search engines and handle large websites. Users can choose a version that is compatible with their website and set the tool to perform an Application Reset when necessary.
A1 Sitemap Generator includes a number of features that make it ideal for creating sitemaps. It includes an integrated FTP client, allowing you to store the generated sitemaps directly on your computer. The tool is extremely flexible, allowing you to select the format that works best for your website. Moreover, it has multiple scanning options, allowing you to create a sitemap in no time. A1 is a user-friendly tool, which comes with an intuitive interface.
The program allows you to create sitemaps for any page on your website, including blogs and forums. It helps reduce bandwidth usage on your web server. It can also submit your sitemaps to search engines in XML format. It can even submit Google Mobile Sitemaps. It is a great tool to optimize your website and maximize its ranking. You'll want to consider it before you buy. You'll be glad you did.